Ever heard the question: What is more effective and relevant out of email marketing and SMS marketing?

Well, the real power of email and SMS marketing shines brightest when used simultaneously, as when only one is used, marketers find themselves missing out on the benefits that the other could potentially provide. Therefore, concurrently adopting both methodologies will enable you to effectively reach your target market, ultimately maximising the impact.

But, before we begin looking at the importance of the alignment between both mediums, we must identify how each one should be used as an independent source.

We will begin by sharing the prime strategies on how to use email marketing. There are billions of emails that are sent globally daily, leaving marketers with the challenge to ensure they are augmenting their chances of being noticed.


It All Starts with Permission

We want to ensure we are abiding by all data protection laws; therefore, it is vital to seek permission of those recipients whom we wish to email. Give your audience an opt-in option where they choose to stay in the loop of your email lists. You can even enhance this service by allowing them to filter the type of emails they wish to receive by you according to their interests.


Keep The Rhythm Flowing

You ‘ought to keep your emails seamless and consistent by infusing a set rhythm to your email consistency. Delivering great content is amazing, but this can very quickly be counteracted if you lack consistency, therefore you must adopt a smooth flowing schedule for your emails. This will spark a mutual regime between both parties, as you will send out your emails regularly, whilst your subscribers will begin to expect and look for emails from you in their inbox.

However, as much as we advise consistency within emails, we also recommend the prevention of overflowing inbox lists of your recipients. Therefore, setting a default frequency is always essential. We recommend sending 2 emails per week; but this is dependent on your industry and target market.


Concentrate on the Content

Email is the perfect mechanism to thoroughly promote detailed content on as it allows marketers to share the finer details, adding the finishing touch of embedding links into the email that lead to your desired pages.

This medium is considerably effective for promoting long-form content because it culminates crisp content until the depth you desire. It is accommodating to all scenarios, whether you wish to leave your email content on an intriguing note that entices the recipient to learn more, or whether you want to keep your email precise and concise with a short and sweet message. Emails are a very inviting medium that adapt towards your marketing preferences, finetuning them with seamlessly embedded links for those readers who want to find out more.


Level of Interactivity

Optimise your email offering by providing an experience constituted by interactivity for the recipient that allows them to interactively explore your product or service offerings directly through your email. There are several ways in which you can do this, one being through embedding images into your email that can change in real time to advance your product preview function.


Stay Tuned!

We hope that this blog has given you a deeper insight on how to implement email marketing in a productive and proactive form. Stay tuned for our next blog all about how to implement SMS marketing in which we will also explain the importance of aligning both, email, and SMS marketing strategies together, and why the interlinked marketing principle will take your business a much longer way ahead in the business game. Watch this space.