RSS feed to email

Content from your RSS feed directly in your newsletter

With our RSS feed functionality, your content is automatically placed in your newsletter.

Read our privacy and cookie policy to see how we will process the data you provide.


Automatic sending of mailings with RSS

With Spotler Mail+ you can not only fill your mailing with content via an RSS feed, you can also have the mailing sent completely automatically. This way, your target group automatically receives your latest content. You can determine the frequency and timing of sending yourself so that the newsletter appears in your recipients’ inbox at the best time.

Content can be adjusted

You set the URL of the RSS feed and our software retrieves the title, text, image and link. The content is then placed in your mailing in your corporate identity. Do you want to adjust the content? Which can. You can also load the RSS feed directly when creating a new mailing, but it is also possible to manually add an RSS content block.

Content block with RSS feed also dynamic

You can show content from your RSS feed to part of your target group. You set this up by linking categories from the RSS feed to different target groups. This makes the RSS content block dynamic. You let the content of the RSS content block depend on the different interests of your target groups. With Spotler Mail+ you can also make your RSS feed as relevant as possible.

Share your latest information

An RSS feed in your newsletter is very useful for sharing your latest blogs, weekly offers or news items.

Available in every template

An RSS content block is available in every template you use.

Useful for corporate communication

Using an RSS feed works very well if you send a company newsletter with the latest news. You can load that news automatically.

Promote your events calendar

But an RSS feed can also be useful for your events and their planning. You always share the most current information.

Want to know more about our email marketing software?

Schedule a free online demo. We would be happy to discuss how you can use email marketing automation for your organisation.

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