That Marketing Podcast
That Artificial Intelligence Episode

  30-01-2020         27:18


Artificial Intelligence is the big topic of 2020. Rearing its head in your Netflix recommendations and Microsoft Outlook’s Insights module, no industry can ignore the changes it will bring.

That Marketing Podcast casts an eye over the current state of AI and where it’s likely to go next. Among the topics we touch on in this episode:

The biggest pitfall marketers face in making AI work for them:

“I think the most important thing is clearly understanding what you’re trying to do and what you’re trying to solve for. So we’ve seen many companies deploy chat-bots and have not had any success with them because they weren’t solving any problem.”

The conundrum of bought data vs. organic

“You have to know what the data sources are and your confidence in your data source. A lot of times, we’ll append different data from third-party sources. So maybe, “Is it a high-income area?” or “Is it a high-population area?” Because you can very well quality-assure the data. In situations where it gets a little murky, vendors claim to do everything and everything.”

The big players who are building out-of-the-box solutions ready for you to use.

“We’ve seen at the Salesforce Dreamforce convention that Salesforce is essentially going all-in on AI. They have voice recognition to interact with a platform, or you can ask Einstein, their essentially ‘Alexa for business’ to do forecasts for you.”

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