Whether you’ve downloaded our calendar of key dates for marketers or not, you’re probably aware that Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us.

While this particular holiday is fertile ground for our cousins in the world of B2C, as a B2B brand it’s worth taking a moment to think about the following three approaches.

Should you even bother?

Let’s be honest, every marketing team on the planet is probably being pressed to “do something for Valentine’s” about now. Why do you think this blog got written?!

In the mass of red text, heart icons and weak puns about how much you’ll love the newest burger/sweater/tire, an message that doesn’t do these things will actually be more distinctive.

While there’s plenty of evidence that B2B buying behaviour is less driven by logic than we might like to believe, reaching for love as the reason buyers choose your product still seems like a stretch.

When everyone zigs, you zag

Source: WorldOfTwigg, via theguardian.com

The even bolder alternative is to embrace the anti-Valentine movement that has become popular. In reaction to the huge commercialization of romance on February 14th, events and gifts that sneer at the holiday are now found all over.

This particular strategy will only work for brands who’s tone of voice allows it. If your brand voice is already playful, or outright sarcastic, you should reap the rewards. If you’re known for being serious and straight-faced, this probably isn’t for you.

If you’re in, go all in

If neither of the above routes appeal to you, and you do run a Valentine-themed campaign, you need to do it properly. Sticking a heart emoji on the end of a standard subject line won’t cut it.

Much like with Blue Monday a few weeks ago either altering your brand colours, or incorporating them into your campaign, can be a powerful way to draw attention. Altering them is more likely to work for engaged audiences who are already broadly familiar with you. Newer members of your audience won’t know you well enough to recognize the change you’ve made, so sticking to your established colour palette is the way to go.

Spotler helps you spread the love

Whichever approach you choose, a coherent campaign of emails, social posts and website content will help you make a strong impression and continue beyond February 14th with success. Speak to us about how Spotler’s suite of tools can help you tie everything together, from writing to reporting.