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RTL is undergoing a digital transformation. In addition to viewing activities on an actual TV, a huge amount of investment goes into viewing on online platforms, such as Videoland. RTL’s course of direction is crystal clear: making a difference with stories that touch the heart. Listening to the customer is even more important.
Online customer service, or webcare, has an important place within the organisation, and the feedback that comes in through (online) channels is an important part of the company’s fan-centric strategy. The customer’s voice is crucial and is central to the organisation. We spoke to Angela Muradin, Head of Customer Care at RTL / Videoland, regarding the latest developments and insights into webcare and customer satisfaction research.
Media company RTL has made significant progress in the digital world in recent years. Social media is becoming increasingly intertwined with television formats, and digitalisation is changing what’s on offer. The proper monitoring of online reporting is becoming more and more important. In 2015, RTL had already made a start on monitoring and online customer service via Spotler Engage. Where media monitoring for corporate communication provides insights into the impact of press releases, sentiment, and important topics related directly to broadcasting stations, online customer service goes further by providing an open and transparent service via social media and messaging channels. We are zooming in on online customer service with Videoland, which is video-on-demand.
Social media gives Videoland viewers a way to contact the organisation. For many viewers, social media channels are ideal for asking questions, and online customer service is ready and available to answer them, 10 AM—10 PM, 365 days a year. Service questions are directed to RTL’s social media channels in many different ways, and via online channels, the viewer can expect a reaction time of less than an hour. RTL has about 6,000 monthly contact moments with viewers via social media and messaging.
Transparency is one of the most important drivers, making online customer service highly visible. RTL does everything it can to optimise its service on all channels and communicate as openly as possible with the viewer.
“For Videoland, a monitoring tool can no longer be ignored regarding online strategy. A monitoring tool gives you, as an organisation, the opportunity to make the importance of social media measurable, also for management.”
– Angela Muradin
To measure the result of its investment in online customer service and increase customer satisfaction, Videoland looks closely at whether or not its customers are satisfied with the kind of service it provides via social media. To do this, Videoland sends an NPS survey directly to the customer once a call has ended. The integration between Spotler Engage and InSocial makes this possible.
“We measure satisfaction in different ways, but we find it especially important to know the reasons behind the figures, which is why we always look for answers to the open questions we ask.”
A distinction has been made between customers who have just signed up, those who have been signed up for at least three months, and those who have been around for a year or more. This makes it easier for Videoland to measure customer satisfaction at different customer journeys.
RTL uses narrowcasting screens to bring the results back to the work floor. This makes it clearer for the employees to see what’s happening online and how customers are experiencing the overall service. This creates higher employee engagement and keeps customer experience top-of-mind!
Technological advances continue accelerating, and RTL recognises the importance of chatbots and artificial intelligence in improving service. By using chatbots for the most frequently asked questions, 18% of messages are now handled by bots. An efficiency that ensures that low-threshold questions get a quick response and that employees have more time and attention for the more complex questions.
“We are a platform that runs 24/7. People use our platform at different times so that questions can come in anytime.”
The use of chatbots has increased accessibility since a chatbot is capable of handling questions outside working hours, so at those times, an actual employee isn’t even necessary. Where employees are available from 10 AM – to 10 PM during the day to answer all different kinds of questions, chatbots are available from 10 PM to 10 AM to resolve basic questions from viewers or to request additional information and prepare it so that an employee can deal with it immediately the next day.
Chatbots aren’t yet being fully optimised, but they are already having a major impact on Videoland.
“We notice that using chatbots makes a big difference in handling time. For the customer, it’s a fast and pleasant experience, and it also ensures that we are still accessible to our viewers, even outside of opening hours.”