
Menno Ouweneel Consultancy

Marketer with a sales feeling

People who work with me always tell me that they appreciate the combination of professionalism, dedication and a relaxed personality.

These are the qualities that help me deliver value and stay relaxed.
Working with me means: enthusiasm, creativity, dedication, value-driven, looking at the bigger picture and above all focusing on long-term relationships that continue after assignments.


About Menno Ouweneel

In my work experience I have mainly been involved in marketing strategy and business development.

What does marketing strategy mean according to Menno Ouweneel?
Marketing strategy is that as a company you consciously have the following matters in order and use them:

  • Product / Market / Competition
  • Target group / Message / Channels
  • Value proposition canvas
  • Applying the BITSING method (funnel methodology)

Why work with Menno?

People who work with Menno really like the combination of professionalism, dedication and relaxed personality.

These are also the characteristics that help him to deliver value to a company and have a positive impact on people.

Working with Menno means:
Enthusiasm, creativity, dedication, value-driven, always looking at the bigger picture with a focus on the long term, relationships that last, even after the assignment has ended.

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